First installation
The installation consists of five steps:
- File transfer
- TAG Setup (driver’s specific sample file)
- First run
- License Key
- Start and Stop commands
File transfer
Extract the eWon drivers eXtender archive and upload the "usr" directory content in the eWON's "/usr" directory using an FTP client like Filezilla.
Usr folder contents:
- Config: Directory with CSV file for custom TAG configuration.
- JavaApp: Directory with eWon drivers eXtender.
- license: Directory with license files.
- Jvmrun: If this file exists then eWon drivers eXtender starts when eWON starts.
At the end of the transfer you should be in this state:
Tag Setup
For a quick configuration, for each type of protocol will be given a file "var_lst.csv" for the automatic generation of some sample TAG. The samples in this guide will refer to Aurora Power-One protocol.
Open the "Aurora PowerOne" directory in the "eXampleTAG" directory. Here you can find the "var_lst.csv" file. Upload "var_lst.csv" in the eWON root directory.
At the end of the transfer you got a ready to use TAG List for an Aurora Power-One inverter on node address 2. (see chapter 3.2 for more information on node address).
At the end of the transfer you got this TAG list:
First Run
If you correctly uploaded “jvmrun” on the “/usr” eWON’s directory just reboot and wait for loading. Log messages are visible in the Real Time Log page of the eWON:
License Key
The license file has the extension ".eKey" and must be uploaded in the "/usr/license" directory of the eWON. Every license file is used to enable the protocol to which it refers. Licenses are hardware bounded and cannot be transferred from one eWON to another.
Start and Stop commands (for version prior to 5.x)
If you need to Stop and Start the Java Virtual Machine (and thus the eWon drivers eXtender), open the following link address with your preferred web browser:
http://IP-eWon/rcgi.bin/jvmCmd?cmd=start&runCmd=-heapsize 250K -classpath usr/JavaApp/eXtender.jar;/usr/JavaApp/lib/CPeDrivers3.jar -emain eXtender
Start and Stop commands (for version 5.0.1 and higher)
http://IP-eWon/rcgi.bin/jvmCmd?cmd=start&runCmd=-heapsize 5M -classpath usr/JavaApp/eXtender.jar